Frank Miniter

​“Show respect to all, but grovel to none.”
–Tecumseh, a Shawnee who nearly stopped western expansion
In this age of fake media narratives, I think we all want to know why, to understand the real stories behind and beneath the headlines. Many people before us have asked and sought answers to the big questions, but we can't really understand the answers without feeling them, experiencing them, even physically confronting them.
This viewpoint led to a life of books and adventures as a newspaperman and then magazine journalist. As a boy, I devoured books from authors, such as Robert Louis Stevenson, Joseph Conrad, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau and Ernest Hemingway and I went into the wilderness to understand what they were telling me.
I found Norman Mailer's The Fight and soon I found myself in a gym in New Paltz, New York, being taught to box by former heavyweight champion of the world Floyd Patterson. I boxed in his gym until I left for college.
I was drawn to and rattled by books on war from George Orwell, William Manchester, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and more and so I went to and graduated from Norwich University, the oldest private military academy in the United States, a place that still teaches honor and old-school gentlemanly conduct, and then I went into journalism.
Journalism took me to Colorado and to the wilds of Wyoming before bringing me to Park Avenue in New York City to work as an editor for Outdoor Life magazine. My pen soon took me down the Amazon, to runs with the bulls of Pamplona, to hunts with the Apache, to the Kalahari and to so many other places around the world to meet people and to ask questions and to confront the truth they were showing me. I followed my reporting to small, African villages for magazine features. I met gang members in New York City for The Future of the Gun. I spent time with G. Gordon Liddy—and actually got him to back down and laugh—as I wrote the New York Times' bestseller The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide. I went onto the streets of Pamplona with Juan Macho for This Will Make of Man of You. I hunted down cyber hunters, and had some real and weird clandestine meetings, for my novels Kill Big Brother, The Deep State Revolution and (coming in 2024) The Year of the Dragon.
Along the way I won numerous awards for writing, and have contributed articles to Forbes, National Review, The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner, Foxnews.com and many other outlets. I am now the editor in chief of the magazine America’s 1st Freedom.
I interviewed the president of the United States in the Oval Office. I have questioned many other leading Americans. I’ve also been a guest on Fox News’ Fox & Friends and on many other TV news programs, including One America News, Townhall’s Capitol Source, NewsmaxTV’s Midpoint, NewsmaxTV’s America’s Forum, the Christian Broadcast Network, Washington’s D.C.’s Local News 8 ABC, Glen Beck’s show on The Blaze TV, The World Over with Raymond Arroyo and PublicSqaure.net. I have been asked on as an expert guest on hundreds of radio shows, including Dennis Miller, Dick Morris, Michael Reagan, Radio America Network, Janet Mefferd, Lars Larson, NRA News, Tom Gresham’s GunTalk, The Mancow Experience and Rusty Humphries. I have also given seminars and speeches to many large audiences.
I am still in the search for answers and am humbled by what I have found so far. I hope you’ll come along with me on some of these quests.